El establecimiento rústico alto-imperial de Miramundo (Puerto Real, Cádiz). Un caso de estudio mediante combinación de técnicas de investigación no invasivas


  • Lázaro Lagóstena Barrios
  • José Antonio Ruiz Gil
  • Domingo Martín Mochales
  • Jenny Pérez Marrero
  • Isabel Rondán Sevilla
  • Pedro Trapero Fernández
  • Francisco Javier Catalán González
  • Manuel Ruiz Barroso


GPR survey, microsite prospecting, Roman rural settlement, Non Invasive Research, Miramundo site


We present a case study through the combined application of non‑invasive research techniques on the Roman rural site of Miramundo (Puerto Real, Cádiz). The results of the geophysical prospection with multichannel georadar are offered for the definition of the archaeological structure discovered, together with the results of a surface micro‑prospection with centimeter GPS over the location area of this Roman imperial building. The main objective is to advance, through the combination of both techniques, in the formulation of functional hypotheses about the documented constructive spaces, as part of the methodological development of Non‑Invasive Historical‑Archaeological Research.



Como Citar

Barrios, L. L., Gil, J. A. R., Mochales, D. M., Marrero, J. P., Sevilla, I. R., Fernández, P. T., … Barroso, M. R. (2021). El establecimiento rústico alto-imperial de Miramundo (Puerto Real, Cádiz). Un caso de estudio mediante combinación de técnicas de investigación no invasivas. Estudos Arqueológicos De Oeiras, 29, 57–64. Obtido de https://eao.oeiras.pt/index.php/DOC/article/view/377