O presente como chave do passado no estudo das alterações dos materiais do património cultural
Actualism, Earth Sciences, Heritage, Materials, Pollution, Alteration, ConservationAbstract
Considering one of the methodological principles of Geology, one essays to discuss the possible interest of actualistic studies for the understanding of the alteration processes affecting the built heritage. Surfaces in the built environment might record overlaps of different events of one or more alteration causes and the complexity of causality relations might increase along time. The study of present occurrences of alteration processes allows a closer (in terms of time) observation of the effects of those processes. Recent built works are particularly interesting given the lesser overlap of events and possible existence of conditions that favour a better knowledge of both materials and decay agents. However, one needs to consider the possible limitation of the observation period in relation to the cycles of the processes and possible existence of differences between past and present conditions. Actualistic studies can also be useful in a prospective perspective to assess the evolution of the effects of the alteration processes along time.
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