The metallic artifacts of the prehistoric fortified settlement of Leceia (Oeiras) inventory and analytical study


  • João Luís Cardoso
  • C. Bottaini
  • J. Mirão
  • R. J. Silva
  • R. Bordalo


Central Portugal, XRF, Chalcolitic, Early metallurgy


This paper presents the results of a study carried on a collection of 144 metal artefacts from the Early (ca. 2800-2600/2500 a.C.) and the Middle/Final Chalcolithic (ca. 2600/2500-2000 a.C.), found at the site of Leceia (Oeiras, Central Portugal) during the excavations conducted between 1983 and 2000. A systematised analysis of the collection was provided in order to enumerate the different typologies found in the site and to determine their chemical composition. From a typological point of view, a great diversity of artifacts was found, namely, punches, fish-hooks, flat axes, chisels, saws, ingots and foundry remnants. Elemental analysis, by X-ray Fluorescence, shows that the artefacts were made of copper, with a variable occurence of arsenic, nickel, silver, antimony, bismuth, lead and iron. In this paper, data is exposed and discussed within the regional early metallurgy.



How to Cite

Cardoso, J. L., Bottaini, C., Mirão, J., Silva, R. J., & Bordalo, R. (2020). The metallic artifacts of the prehistoric fortified settlement of Leceia (Oeiras) inventory and analytical study. Estudos Arqueológicos De Oeiras, 26, 41–66. Retrieved from