The Chalcolithic occupation of the hillside of Sant´Ana (Lisbon)



  • Filipe Martins
  • Vasco Leitão
  • João Luís Cardoso


Bell-Beaker, Lisbon, Encosta de Sant´Ana


The Chalcolithic ceramic and metal remains collected in preventive archaeological excavations carried out at the Encosta de Sant’Ana (hillside of Sant´Ana) settlement (Lisbon) are studied.

The decorated ceramic set, mostly belonging to the bell-beaker complex, despite being small, is of great interest, due to the diversity of patterns and decorative techniques, the incised technique being largely dominant, coexisting with the ceramic productions of the “acacia leaf” group that occur in less quantity.

The presence of such vestiges, which culturally prove the occupation of the site during the Full/Late Chalcolithic, along with its implantation characteristics on the ground have equivalent in other known occurrences in the region of the same period, revealing a complex picture in the occupation strategy of the territory and exploitation of the respective resources during the second half of the 3rd millennium BC.



How to Cite

Martins, F., Leitão, V., & Cardoso, J. L. (2023). The Chalcolithic occupation of the hillside of Sant´Ana (Lisbon): DOI: Estudos Arqueológicos De Oeiras, 32, 75–92. Retrieved from