A sepultura calcolítica da gruta da Ponte da Laje (Oeiras)


  • João Luís Cardoso

Palabras clave:

Calcolítico, sepultura, Oeiras, Ponte da Laje


In this article we present an individual grave found at the entrance of Ponte da Laje cave in 1958. The data discussion points out to the cultural meaning of the existence of an individual grave dated from early Chalcolithic, in the context of the collective graves of that period. The presence of two superimposed vessels, placed upside-down on the ground has a ritual meaning, which was valued and compared with other known examples.



Cómo citar

Cardoso, J. L. (2014). A sepultura calcolítica da gruta da Ponte da Laje (Oeiras). Estudos Arqueológicos De Oeiras, 21, 183–194. Recuperado a partir de https://eao.oeiras.pt/index.php/DOC/article/view/269