Resultados das campanhas de escavação realizadas em 2015 e 2016 no Povoado Calcolítico do Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra)


  • João Luís Cardoso
  • Filipe Martins

Palabras clave:

Chalcolithic, Fortification, Copper metallurgy, Portugal


In this study we present the results of the archaeological excavations at the fortified Chalcolithic settlement of Outeiro Redondo, Sesimbra in 2015 and 2016, directed by the first author. Two large areas were excavated: northeast and western areas of the settlement. The structures identified are defensive and domestic and in both cases they belong exclusively to the last phase of occupation of the settlement, attributed to the Full/Late Chalcolithic. The works undertaken demonstrated the scientific importance of this archeological site, in what concerns the structures found, related with a well preserved stratigraphic sequence, with a clear chronological and cultural significance, having in consideration the rich archeological record identified.



Cómo citar

Cardoso, J. L., & Martins, F. (2018). Resultados das campanhas de escavação realizadas em 2015 e 2016 no Povoado Calcolítico do Outeiro Redondo (Sesimbra). Estudos Arqueológicos De Oeiras, 24, 181–290. Recuperado a partir de