Arqueometría y acústica en el estudio de reproducciones de trompetas cerámicas celtibéricas y su comparación con trompetas numantinas


  • R. Jiménez Pasalodos
  • F. Agua
  • J. J. Padilla Fernández
  • M. A. Villegas
  • Manuel García‑Heras

Palabras clave:

Celtiberian trumpets, Pottery, Acoustics, Archaeometry


An archaeometric and acoustic study is combined for the first time in the research of Celtiberian pottery trumpets of late Iron Age (3rd – 1st centuries BC). Modern reproductions of such pottery trumpets were analyzed, as well as a set of fragments of original Numantian trumpets of archaeological provenance, with the aim of determining the acoustic properties of the former and their relationship with the modern and ancient ceramic material. The results suggest that they were not only used to produce noise and signals, as they have been traditionally interpreted, but also they could be used to reproduce simple melodies to play alone or accompanied by other instruments.




Cómo citar

Pasalodos, R. J., Agua, F., Fernández, J. J. P., Villegas, M. A., & García‑Heras, M. (2021). Arqueometría y acústica en el estudio de reproducciones de trompetas cerámicas celtibéricas y su comparación con trompetas numantinas. Estudos Arqueológicos De Oeiras, 29, 33–40. Recuperado a partir de