Idolos Prerromanos inventados en el Portugal ilustrado del siglo XVIII
Mots-clés :
Counterfeit, Enlightenment, Historiography, History of religions, National Library of Portugal, Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, Manuel de CenaculoRésumé
Study of 15 idols preserved in various collections in Portugal, such as the National Library of Portugal and the Academia das Ciências de Lisboa. They constitute interesting falsifications of the 18th century, that are cataloged by tipes. Their iconography was probably inspired in antiquarian engravings by A. Kircher, B. de Montfaulcon, the Count of Caylus and J. B. Piranesi. These idols document the interest in pre-Roman divinities emerged in the Enlightenment environment promoted by the Bishop of Beja and Archbishop of Évora, Don Manuel de Cenaculo.
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