La Sociedad de Arqueometría Aplicada al Patrimonio Cultural (SAPAC) y Los Congresos de Arqueometría Ibérica (CIA)
Mots-clés :
Archaeometry, SAPaC, Iberian Archaeometry CongressesRésumé
Main goals of the Society of Archaeometry applied to Cultural Heritage (SAPaC) are described in this paper. It is also carried out a bibliometric analysis of the thirteen editions of the Archaeometry Congresses, four as a national congress and nine as an Iberian congress, which this society has promoted and held throughout the last 26 years. The 976 contributions presented up to now at these congresses include studies on biomaterials and palaeoenvironmental studies, dating, studies on lithic, ceramics, metals and glass materials, pigments, built heritage and conservation, studies on remote sensing and prospection, and analysis of 3D images. The results of the analysis confirm a high multidisciplinary component in the contributions, as well as a notable growth in collaborations between specialists from Portugal and Spain, which show a promising future for archeometric research in the Iberian community.
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